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Dear Cantor Camhi,
Thank you for a beautiful wedding ceremony.  Our friends and family are still raving about it!
Heather and Bret W.

Dear Cantor Camhi,
The baby naming was perfect. Thank you so much for all your help. We couldn't have done it as beautiful without you.
Thanks again,
Rona and Jo F.


Dear Cantor Camhi,
Thank you so very much for all your hard work with our son over these last few months. He did a great job on Saturday. He was very nervous but got through everything so well, and felt really good about himself and his accomplishments. We appreciate everything you did to help prepare him for this extremely special day.
Thank you,
Melinda and Rich D.

Dear Cantor Camhi
Thank you very much for guiding & teaching our son in preparing for his Bar Mitzvah. Our family & friends loved your singing. We're still kvelling!
Thank you!
Warren H.

Dear Cantor Camhi,
Thank you for all your help with the unveiling.
Helene G. and family

Dear Cantor,
Thank you so much for helping me to become a Bat Mitzvah.  I couldn't have done it without you.  It was nice working with you and I hope to have the opportunity again.
Adina K.

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